The following were read and provided material used in connection with the writing of this novel. Not all sources consulted are listed.
Any errors in the novel are the sole responsibility of the author.
Angelo, Mark “Medieval Weapons Glossary,” (Ohio, Hartville), accessed on-line, on 15 May 2013 and subsequent dates.
Azevêdo, Teresa and Nunes, Elisabete, “The Evolution of the Coastline at Peniche and the The Berlengas Islands (Portugal) – State of the Art” (Lisbon: Centro de Geologia, Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa), Symposium on Living with Landscapes, Special Issue 2nd Volume 2, Number 1, October 2010, accessed on-line 10 May 2013.
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Chapman, Colin R., How Heavy, How Much and How Long? Weights, Money and Other Measures Used by Our Ancestors (Gloucestershire, England: Lochin Publishing), 1971.
Chodorow, Stanley, Editor, The Other Side of Western Civilization, Readings in Everyday Life, Volume 1: The Ancient World to the Reformation (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.), 1973.
Holmes, Urban T., “Traveling The Roads In The Twelfth Century,” pp. 136-141
Constable, Olivia Remie, Editor, Medieval Iberia: Readings from Chrstian, Muslim and Jewish Sources (Philadephia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press), 1997.
Côrte-Real, Artur, Mosteiro De Santa Clara-A-Velha, Olhares Ocultos, Olhares Submersos (The Monastery of Santa Clara-A-Velha, Hidden Sights, Submerged Visions), Quarteto Editora (Coimbra, Portugal, G.C. – Gráfica de Coimbra, Lda.), Novembro de 2003.
Costa-Gomes, Rita, The Making of a Court Society, trans. Alison Aiken (New York: Cambridge University Press), 2003.
de Oliveira Marques, A. H. Daily Life In Portugal In The Late Middle Ages, trans. S. S. Wyatt, Drawings by Vítor André (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press), 1971.
Disney, A.R., A History of Portugal and The Portuguese Empire, Volume One, Portugal (New York: Cambridge University Press), 2009.
Goulão, Maria José, Arte Portuguesa: Da Pré-História Ao Século XX, Expressões Artísticas Do Universo Medieval (Porto, Portugal, FUBU – EDITORES, S.A.), 2009.
LeRoy Ladurie, Emmanuel, Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error, trans. Barbara Bray (New York: Vintage Books, a Division of Random House), 1979.
Livermore, H. V., A New History of Portugal (New York: Cambridge University Press), 1969.
Macaulay, David, Castle (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company), 1977.
McDonald, Ferdie, Project Editor, Eyewitness Travel Portugal (New York: DK Publishing), 2012.
McMurdo, Edward The History of Portugal, Volume II: From The Reign of D. Diniz to the Reign of D. Alfonso V. 1279-1481, (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington), 1889.
Digitized by Google of a book in the collection of The University of California, Downloaded.
Morujão, Maria do Rosário Barbosa, “The Coimbra See and its Chancery in Medieval Times (accessed on-line from on 22 February 2013.
Museu Nacional De Arte Antiga – Museum Catalog, The Sense of Images, Sculpture and Art in Portugal [1300-1500] ( ), 1st Edition Instituto Portuguguês de Museus (Ramada, Lisbon, Antonio Coelho Dias S.A.), 2000.
Ohler, Norbert, “The Medieval Traveller” – in English Translation by Caroline Hiller 1989 (Suffolk: The Boydell Press), 2010.
Payne, Stanley G., A History of Spain and Portugal, Volume One (The Library of Iberian Resources Online), accessed March 2013 – September 2016.
Pestana de Vasconcelos, António Maria Falcão, “Nobility and Military Orders. Social and Power Relations. (Fourteenth to Sixteen Centuries),(Accessed on-line22 April 2013, e-JPH, Vol. 9, number 1, Summer 2011, Center for Studies on the Population, Economy and Society, Portugal), Summer 2011.
Rodrigues, Jorge, The Monastery of Alcobaça, (London: Scala Publishers Ltd.), 2007.
Sacks, Oliver, Hallucinations, (New York: Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, Inc.), 2012.
Watson, W. B., “The Structure of the Florentine Galley Trade with Flanders and England in the Fifteenth Century” in Revue beige de philology et d’historie, Tome 39, fasc. 4, 1961, Histoire (depuis la fin de l’Antiquité) – Geschiedenis (sedert de Oudheid)., pp. 1073-1091. Accessed on-line 07 May 2013. pages in English and Portuguese pages translated were accessed in the writing of this novel though with skepticism and verification to other sources.